Center for Particle Cosmology Spotlight

Four academic journeys explored

PennToday explores Vijay Balasubramanian's academic career.

As seen by the Hubble Space Telescope, the galaxy cluster Abell 370 reveals telltale streaks of light from more distant galaxies that have had their light bent and distorted by an effect called gravitational lensing.  NASA, ESA, AND J. LOTZ AND THE HFF TEAM/STSCI

Strange observations of galaxies challenge ideas about dark matter

ScienceNews quotes Bhuvnesh Jain in their recent article about dark matter.

“I think it’s a real stretch to say that one can do away with dark matter, because the lines of evidence [for it] are so numerous,” says Bhuvnesh Jain, a cosmologist at the University of Pennsylvania.

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desi collaboration/noirlab/nsf/aura/r. proctor

The dominant model of the universe is creaking: Dark energy could break it apart

The Economist quotes Bhuvnesh Jain in their recent science and technology article.

Devlin Lab researchers publish study detailing their work on Large Aperture Telescope Receiver

Ningfeng Zhu, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and member of the lab of Mark Devlin, Reese W.

Prof. Vijay Balasubramanian discusses time on Netflix series Explained

Vijay Balasubramanian, Cathy and Marc Lasry Professor and Center for Particle Cosmology faculty, was featured on the episode "Time" of the Netflix series Explained. The episode delved into the individual experience of time, the evolutionary pressures of time, and how we understand time as it relates to space and the universe. Prof. Balasubramanian explains that "matter and energy can bend space.

With help from Prof. Cullen Blake NEID spectrometer fully operational

The new NEID spectrometer at the WIYN Observatory is fully operational after taking it's first observations in January 2020. Thanks to a team of scientists including Prof. Cullen Blake, CfPC faculty and Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, NASA and NSF are accepting proposals to utilize this powerful new tool. “There’s a huge number of proposals, with lots of really interesting stuff—even some outside of the box sorts of things.

CfPC Co-Director Bhuvnesh Jain talks about the increasingly important role of "big data" in astronomical research

Bhuvnesh Jain, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences and Co-Director of the Penn Center for Particle Cosmology, talked to Omnia, the magazine of Penn's School of Arts and Sciences, about what drew him to astrophysics as a child and the important role that big data and data analysis has played in cutting edge research in astronomy and cosmology today.

Center faculty, staff, and students contribute to "most precise 3D map of the universe to date"

Faculty, research staff, and students from the Center for Particle Cosmology and the Department of Physics and Astronomy have contributed to the efforts of the Dark Energy Survey, a global collaboration to better understand the role of dark matter and dark energy in the universe. The collaboration includes Professors Gary Bernstein, Bhuvnesh Jain, and Masao Sako along with other scholars and students. Dr.


New stellar stream, born outside the Milky Way, discovered with machine learning

Finding this new collection of stars, named after Nyx, the Greek goddess of night, was made possible using machine learning tools and simulations of data collected by the Gaia space observatory.

Masao Sako and Mark Trodden

OMNIA 101: Exploring The Unseen

Masao Sako, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and Mark Trodden, Fay R. and Eugene L. Langberg Professor of Physics, explain how dark matter and dark energy shape their work.