
Co-Directors’ Message

As knowledge about the universe grows, the fields of physics and astronomy become more expansive. Even as we gain answers, questions remain about the origins and evolution of the universe and the fundamental theories of matter and energy. The Center for Particle Cosmology brings together theorists and experimentalists in cosmology and particle physics to answer these questions in an environment distinguished by unfettered interactions and collaborations between members of the traditionally distinct groups. 


High Energy Theory Seminar: Causality constraints on EFTs

Sera Cremonini (Leigh University)
Sep 16, 2024 at - | David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3W2

I will discuss how causality can be used to place bounds on higher derivative corrections to Einstein Maxwell theory. Scattering probe photons off of charged shock waves, we obtain new constraints on the Wilson…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "TBA"

David Nichols (University of Virginia)
Nov 11, 2024 at - | David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3W2

High Energy Theory Seminar: "TBA"

Thomas Steingasser (MIT)
Nov 4, 2024 at - | David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3W2

New stellar stream, born outside the Milky Way, discovered with machine learning

Finding this new collection of stars, named after Nyx, the Greek goddess of night, was made possible using machine learning tools and simulations of data collected by the Gaia space observatory.